Andre Jaume / Joe McPhee featuring Raymond Boni - Tales And Prophecies
A Drumdancer 24:10
B1 Drumdancer Continued 11:20
B2 Corsican Nightflower 8:50
C Tales And Prophecies / Song For The Gypsy 21:05
D Tales And Prophecies / Song For The Gypsy 17:25
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Raymond Boni (tracks: C, D)
Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Clarinet, Flute - Andre Jaume
Trombone [Valve], Soprano Saxophone, Harmonica, Ocarina [Double], Brass [Trombophone], Flute [Bamboo], Piano, Bells, Percussion - Joe McPhee
Drumdancer : Recorded live May 28, 1980 at Caveau des Trinitaires, Metz/France.
Corsican Nightflower recorded live May 18, 1980 at Theatre Municipal, Festival d'Angouleme/ France.
Tales and Prophecies, Song for the gypsy recoreded live May 22, 1980 at Salle des Concerts, Festival de Jazz le Mans/ France.
Ripped from lp.
As always thank you for your continued dedication to making the work of Joe McPhee better known. It was the mid-1980's when I first heard Joe McPhee. I knew that what I was hearing was special. Back then getting HAT Hut stuff was kind of difficult. I think Old Eyes and Mysteries was one of the first I heard. As I have said here before he plays around the NYC area with a good deal of frequency and I saw him many times at places like the Pink Pony and Brecht Forum as well as various Vision Festival related dates. My impression was he travels by train from Poughkeepsie and has to keep an eye out during gigs so he can get back home afterwards.
RépondreSupprimerhi olatunji,
RépondreSupprimerthis double lp seems to be very rare too. it is the first post of this record in the whole blogland - as far as i know. many thanks for this beauty.
any chances for trio x - in black and white ?
best regards.
paul w.
Hi Poul,
RépondreSupprimerI'm happy to have this work.
By the way, your comment is clasffied as SPAM by blog SPAM checker. So pls. check what's wrong.
hi olatunji,
RépondreSupprimeri have no idea, i am not a computer specialist. when i read blogs i usually leave comments using my blogspot profile. i have never seen my comments being classified as spam. but thanks for letting me know.
by the way - i like "tales and prophecies" very much. in my opinion - a great album.
best regards.